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Cannabis for Prostate Cancer

Using cannabis in prostate cancer patients

Can you take cannabis for prostate cancer? This article explains how cannabis stops the expression of ld-1 gene and eventually stops the progression of prostate cancer.

Cannabis remains a novel medicine to treat many health problems. Though cannabis is used for recreational purposes, many use it as a capsule, homemade edibles and also as beverages to improve their health conditions.

Before we go deep into the connection between cannabis and prostate cancer, let’s take a short introduction about the prostate gland, its cancer, and its symptoms.

Let’s get started.

Prostate Gland

It is located in the middle of the bladder and the penis and it can be described as a walnut-sized gland. The work of the prostate gland on the men’s body is to release fluid that protects and nourishes the sperm.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Cancer is the malignancy of the cell in the human body. When the malignancy of the cells originates at the prostate gland it is called a Prostate Cancer.

Let’s Talk about the Signs and Symptoms of the Prostate Cancer

Having blood mixed by the urine, bone pains and hard time emptying the bladder are the common symptoms of prostate cancer.

But take note, don’t jump easily into conclusion. There are some instances that these symptoms may occur to people without prostate cancer. What you need to do is, go to a doctor and have a test to make sure if you’re cancer-free or not.

Can you take cannabis for prostate cancer?

Reports say that cannabis can be used for prostate cancer treatment. Let’s briefly find out how does cannabis treat prostate cancer.

CBD can prevent the progression of cancer, says the researchers from San Francisco based California Pacific Medical Center. Scientists found that cannabis can be used as an effective treatment for breast cancer. This triggered further studies of the connection between cannabis and other cancers including brain cancer and prostate cancer.

CBD can stop the expression of cancer cells by reducing the levels of ld-1 gene. With the effects of CBD, the cancerous cells showed lower levels of ld-1 gene and also lost their aggressiveness.

According to this study, researchers reported that cannabis is a non-toxic medicine when compared to the other existing treatment options like radiotherapy or chemotherapy that have side effects.

Clinical analysis proved that the cancerous cells interact with CBD. However, the normal cells do not interact much with CBD.

Both THC and CBD inhibit the angiogenesis, the process that produces tumor blood vessels. As angiogenesis gets blocked, the prostate cancer cells can’t grow further. This eventually stops the progression of cancer cells.

THC vs. CBD: What’s the difference?

Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are types of chemical compounds that are present in the cannabis buds. CBD can be extracted from the hemp. THC has psychoactive chemicals that are responsible for the high.

CBD and THC composition determines whether a cannabis strain can get you high or not. If the strain is rich in THC, it can produce euphoric effects while CBD high strain makes you feel relaxed.

THC works by binding to the CB receptors in the brain. Though THC contains psychoactive effects it is not addictive, one should take the recommended quantity.

Uses of CBD

CBD can be used for the following health issues like:

  • Inflammation
  • Chronic pain
  • Seizures
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Migraines
  • Anxiety

THC offers health benefits for the following conditions:

  • Chronic pain
  • Cancer pain relief
  • Muscle spasms
  • Insomnia
  • Glaucoma
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Anxiety

Cannabis and chemotherapy

Cannabis can be used as a supplement along with chemotherapy. The side effects of chemotherapy like nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite can be minimized by taking cannabis. As cannabis can increase appetite and reduce nausea and vomiting, many cancer patients are taking cannabis as edible oils, capsules or other forms as part of their treatment.

Cannabis vs Prochlorperazine

Prochlorperazine is a plant-based drug used to improve the side effects of chemotherapy. Researchers tested the efficiency of THC vs Prochlorperazine. According to the results many cancer patients preferred taking THC as it is effective to overcome the side effects and also improved their mood.

Cannabis for cancer pain relief

Traditional medicines like opioids are not efficient to alleviate cancer-related pain. Chemotherapy and other treatments for cancer can result in pain. This chronic pain is an additional burden to cancer patients who already suffer from physical and mental stress.

Cannabis is known to relieve pain and it is effective for cancer-related pain too. Many patients found cannabis as a pain relief agent during cancer treatment.

Latest research about cannabis for prostate cancer treatment

Let’s take a look at the latest research about cannabis and prostate cancer treatment. A recent study titled “The role of cannabinoids in prostate cancer: Basic science perspective and potential clinical applications,” which got published in the Indian Journal of Urology describe the efficacy of cannabis in treating prostate cancer.

The authors of this study remarked that cannabinoids are promising in terms of cancer treatment as they activate CB receptors. They agonize both receptors namely CB1 and CB2. This indicates that prostate cancer cells respond to cannabis therapy.

The authors also described the decreased expression of prostate-specific antigen. This antigen is used as an indicator to detect prostate cancer by doctors. As the levels of this antigen get reduced, you can consider it as the prostate cancer growth gets inhibited with cannabinoids treatment.


Many patients found cannabis effective to improve the side effects of other cancer treatments like pain, appetite loss, nausea, and vomiting.

Canadian medical marijuana advocate like Rick Simpson, recommends the usage of cannabis for cancer treatment.

Though cannabis does not pose any serious health risk, you should consult with your doctor before taking it. Current research shows that THC and CBD can be used to treat prostate cancer and also to relieve the side effects of chemotherapy, which means you can take cannabis for prostate cancer. With advancements in medical research, marijuana will continue to be an efficient treatment option.

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