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Over the past few years, mushroom microdosing has surged in popularity due to its potential to positively impact mood and mental well-being. 

This practice entails ingesting minimal, sub-perceptible amounts of psychedelic mushrooms containing psilocybin. 

Proponents of microdosing assert that it can yield a variety of benefits, including heightened creativity, improved concentration, enhanced overall mental wellness, and increased mental clarity. 

Let’s  delve into the world of microdosing of magic mushrooms in Canada, examining its potential advantages and the considerations associated with the use of psilocybin.

Understanding ‘Magic Mushrooms’

Psilocybin mushrooms, commonly known as “magic mushrooms,” are naturally occurring fungi that contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. 

There are more than 180 species of psilocybin-containing mushrooms found worldwide, known for their ability to induce hallucinogenic and psychedelic effects when ingested. 

It’s worth noting that the actual psychoactive compound responsible for these effects is psilocin, which is produced in the body after the ingestion of psilocybin. 

Additionally, there are other chemicals, such as baeocystin and norbaeocystin, present in minor amounts in these mushrooms, although their exact contributions to the overall effects remain unclear.

One of the most common and widespread species of psilocybin mushrooms in Europe is the small yet potent liberty cap mushroom (Psilocybe semilanceata). 

However, various other species can be found in the wild, and Psilocybe cubensis is one of the species that is often cultivated indoors.

Interestingly, while the psychoactive effects of all types of magic mushrooms are attributed to psilocybin, different species of psilocybin mushrooms can produce varying types and strengths of psychedelic effects. 

Scientific research is ongoing to understand the nuances of these effects and how they can differ across different strains of psilocybin mushrooms.

Dosage and Schedule for Magic Mushrooms

Canadian magic mushrooms are sold in various forms, such as dried whole mushrooms or as a powder, and individuals may choose different methods of consumption, including:

  • Eating Raw or Cooked: Some people consume magic mushrooms by eating them in their natural state or incorporating them into cooked dishes.
  • Brewing Tea: Magic mushrooms can be ground up and used to prepare tea. This method allows for easier ingestion and can mitigate the earthy taste of the mushrooms.
  • Capsules: In some cases, magic mushrooms are encapsulated for convenient and precise dosing.
  • Snorting: Although less common, some individuals opt to crush the mushrooms into a powder and snort them through the nose. It’s important to note that this method is associated with significant risks and is not recommended.

While microdosing typically involves subthreshold doses that do not induce hallucinations or a “high” as with larger doses, law enforcement agencies often do not distinguish between different quantities of psilocybin. 

Therefore, it’s crucial for individuals to be aware of and comply with local and federal laws regarding the use of magic mushrooms.

Effects and Benefits of Microdosing Magic Mushrooms

Microdosing magic mushrooms, or psilocybin-containing mushrooms, has gained attention for its reported effects and potential benefits. 

It involves ingesting subthreshold doses of psilocybin to achieve subtle, non-psychedelic effects.

Here are some of the reported effects and potential benefits of microdosing magic mushrooms:

  • Enhanced Mood: Microdosing is often associated with improved mood. Many individuals report feeling happier, more content, and less anxious or depressed during and after microdosing periods.
  • Increased Creativity: Some microdosers claim that it enhances their creativity. They may experience heightened problem-solving abilities, increased artistic inspiration, and improved cognitive flexibility.
  • Enhanced Focus and Productivity: Microdosing is said to enhance concentration and productivity. Users report improved focus on tasks, better time management, and increased motivation to complete projects.
  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress: Microdosing has been linked to reduced symptoms of anxiety and stress. Users report a sense of calm and reduced worry, which can be particularly beneficial in managing everyday stressors.
  • Improved Energy and Stamina: Some individuals report increased physical energy and stamina during microdosing cycles, which can lead to greater physical activity and overall vitality.
  • Enhanced Mindfulness and Presence: Effects of microdosing magic mushrooms may promote a greater sense of mindfulness and presence. Users may become more attuned to their thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.
  • Improved Sociability: Microdosing can lead to enhanced social interactions. Users may feel more comfortable and open in social settings, which can be especially beneficial for those with social anxiety.
  • Potential for Pain Management: There are anecdotal reports of microdosing helping individuals manage chronic pain, migraines, and cluster headaches.
  • Better Sleep: Some users have reported improved sleep patterns, including falling asleep more easily and experiencing more restful sleep.
  • Emotional Processing: Microdosing may facilitate emotional processing, allowing users to address unresolved issues, trauma, or emotional baggage.

Safety and Legal Considerations

The active components found in magic mushrooms, namely psilocybin and psilocin, are classified as psychoactive substances and are subject to international regulations under the United Nations Drug Control Conventions

In Canada, these substances are further controlled by the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). 

Under the CDSA, various activities related to magic mushrooms, psilocybin, and psilocin, including sale, possession, and production, are considered illegal unless explicitly authorized by Health Canada, often through the issuance of a license, exemption, or regulatory framework.

Furthermore, like all drugs, magic mushrooms, psilocybin, and psilocin are also subject to regulations outlined in the Food and Drugs Act (FDA).

So, how long do magic mushrooms last?

The effects experienced by individuals when consuming magic mushrooms can vary widely from person to person. Additionally, the potency of magic mushrooms can differ significantly between different mushroom specimens. 

This variation in potency can result in different concentrations of the active compounds, leading to varying effects. The effects of magic mushrooms typically include hallucinations and an altered state of consciousness. 

These effects typically onset within 15-45 minutes of consumption and can last for approximately four to six hours.

Due to the unpredictable nature of these substances and the potential for varying strengths among different mushroom specimens, it is essential for individuals to exercise caution and prioritize their safety if they choose to use magic mushrooms. 

Understanding the potential risks and legal considerations is crucial when dealing with these substances.


In conclusion, microdosing magic mushrooms is a practice that has gained popularity for its reported potential benefits in mood enhancement, creativity, focus, and overall well-being. 

However, it’s essential to approach this practice with caution and awareness of the legal and safety considerations involved.

If you’re interested in exploring microdosing or seeking a reputable magic mushroom dispensary in Canada, consult with experts in the field to ensure you make informed decisions regarding this practice and stay compliant with local laws.

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