From the time weed was legalized in Canada, there has been a rising number of individuals who are looking to buy weed online and get it delivered to their doorstep. Both the growers, processors, and consumers continue being creative, and as a result, more products such as mushrooms, THC gummies, and more have been available to the consumers. Are you curious about the duration of a mushroom trip? Well if you’re looking to get answers to your questions, then look no further than this blog post. Keep reading ahead and find out more!


What are shrooms and what do they do to your body and mind

Shrooms, also commonly known as magic mushrooms or psychedelic mushrooms, are a type of fungus that contain psychoactive compounds called psilocybin. Psilocybin acts on serotonin receptors in the brain to produce feelings of euphoria and hallucinations. This can result in mood changes, altered perception, and even psychosis in some cases. There are many variations of weed edibles that can be used, depending on the user’s desired effect.


What factors determine the effects that shrooms have?

The effects of shrooms can vary depending on many different factors, including:


1. Dosage level

The amount of psilocybin you consume will affect the duration and intensity of your trip. Generally, higher doses result in stronger effects that last for longer periods of time.


2. Type of mushroom

Different types of shrooms may have different concentrations or potency levels, which can influence the length and strength of your trip.


3. Body chemistry

Your unique body chemistry can also affect how you experience shrooms, potentially leading to longer or shorter effects and stronger or weaker highs.


4. Gender

Women tend to experience shrooms more strongly than men, which can result in a lengthier trip that lasts for many hours.


5. Body weight and size

Someone who weighs more will typically experience a stronger psychedelic effect from eating shrooms, which can also affect how long your trip lasts.


6. Food intake

Eating a large meal just before or during a shroom trip may slow the effects down, but it will not necessarily reduce their intensity. Similarly, fasting before eating shrooms may speed up the onset of effects but may not necessarily increase their strength.


7. Environment

Your environment can also have a significant impact on how you experience shrooms. Being in a calm, relaxing setting may prolong your trip and make it feel more pleasant overall, while being in an unfamiliar or stressful environment may shorten the effects or lead to unwanted side effects.


8. Mindset

Your state of mind and emotional state can also influence the effects that shrooms have on you, potentially leading to a more intense trip or lasting longer than expected.


How can you best manage the effects of shrooms?

There are several things you can do to help manage your psychedelic trip if it becomes too intense. These include:


  1. Removing yourself from any stressful or unfamiliar environments
  2. Talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling, in order to gain support and perspective.


  1. Practicing mindfulness or deep breathing exercises to help calm down your mind and body during a trip.


  1. Take breaks if necessary, especially if the experience becomes too overwhelming.


  1. Consuming small amounts of cannabis or other mild psychoactive substances, can help to balance out the effects of shrooms.


Overall, there are many factors that can influence the duration and intensity of a psychedelic trip on shrooms. By understanding these factors and preparing accordingly, you can better manage your experience and have a more positive shroom trip.


How long do shrooms stay in your system after you take them?

Unlike THC products such as THC capsules, which can typically be detected in the body for up to 10 days, shrooms typically only stay in the system for a few hours or days after consumption. This depends on several factors, such as dosage level and individual body chemistry. However, there are often no long-term side effects associated with using shrooms, and most users will completely metabolize the drug within a day or two. Therefore, if you are concerned about traces of shrooms in your system, it is best to talk to your doctor or trusted healthcare provider for advice.


What are the risks associated with taking shrooms?

Shrooms, just like other high-quality weed products present some level of risk to the users. Here are 7 potential risks of taking shrooms:


1. Stimulant or psychedelic overdose

This is one of the most common risks associated with shrooms, as the effects of a high dose can be very intense and may lead to adverse health outcomes. In most cases, this affects more women than men and can be caused by a combination of factors, such as dosage level and individual body chemistry.


2. Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder

HPPD is a psychological condition that can occur after taking shrooms or other hallucinogens. It is characterized by continued visual disturbances, such as seeing trails behind moving objects, brightly colored halos around lights, and flashing or moving geometric patterns.


3. Anxiety and paranoia

In some cases, shrooms can lead to increased anxiety and paranoia in the user, especially when taken at high doses. This may be due to changes in brain chemistry caused by drug use. Moreover, it can also be a side effect of other factors, such as lack of sleep or poor diet.


4. Recurrent episodes of psychosis

Some users report experiencing recurring episodes of psychosis after taking shrooms, including hallucinations, delusions, anxiety, and paranoia. This is typically due to an existing mental health condition in the user, such as schizophrenia. Most of the other weed products such as edible gummies or concentrates also have a high level of risk.


5. Dizziness and lightheadedness

Shrooms can also cause lightheadedness or dizziness, especially when taken on an empty stomach. This is typically caused by the way that shrooms are absorbed in the body and the effects they have on blood flow and brain chemistry.


6. Muscle weakness

Shrooms can cause muscle weakness, especially in the limbs or other parts of the body. This is due to changes in brain chemistry and blood flow that result from shroom use.


7. Decreased coordination

In some cases, shrooms can affect coordination and balance, leading to decreased motor skills or even accidental falls or accidents.


While the risks associated with shrooms can be serious, most users will only experience mild, temporary side effects in the short term. By being aware of these potential risks and preparing accordingly, you can better manage your experience and use shrooms safely.


Overall, there are many important factors to consider when taking shrooms, from dosage level and individual body chemistry to mental health and physical condition. By being aware of these risks and taking precautions, you can better manage your experience and have a more positive shroom trip.


How can you minimize the risks that are associated with shrooms consumption?

There are many ways that you can minimize the risks associated with shrooms consumption, including:


  1. Avoid taking high doses of shrooms or using other hallucinogens on a regular basis. This can help minimize the risk of potential adverse effects, such as HPPD and psychosis.


  1. Pay attention to your mental health and overall well-being when taking shrooms. If you are feeling anxious or paranoid prior to using shrooms, it is best to avoid use until you feel more stable.


  1. Avoid taking shrooms on an empty stomach or without adequate hydration. This can increase the risk of lightheadedness and dizziness, which can make it difficult to maintain balance and coordination during a trip.


  1. Have a sober and supportive friend or family member present during your trip, in case you experience an adverse reaction or need help.


  1. Consider using other natural or lower-risk drug alternatives, such as LSD and ketamine, if you want to experience the effects of a hallucinogen without the high risk.


As with any drug, there are potential risks associated with using shrooms. However, by being aware of these risks and taking steps to minimize them, you can have a safe and more positive experience. Some of the best strategies for minimizing the risks of shroom use include avoiding high doses, paying attention to your mental health and overall well-being, avoiding use on an empty stomach or without adequate hydration, and having a supportive friend or family member present during your trip.


Are there any long-term effects of taking shrooms?

There is limited research on the long-term effects of taking shrooms, so it is difficult to say definitively whether there are any long-term effects. However, some users report experiencing persistent symptoms such as HPPD, psychosis, and impaired coordination. In addition, there may be underlying neurological or psychiatric conditions that increase your risk of experiencing adverse effects, such as impaired cognition or depression. If you are concerned about the potential long-term effects of shroom use, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for more information and advice.


Can shrooms cause addiction?

There is no evidence to suggest that shrooms can cause physical addiction, but some users may develop a psychological or habitual dependence on the drug. Symptoms of addiction can include cravings, compulsive use, and difficulty moderating your dosage or frequency of use. If you are concerned about a potential shrooms addiction, it is best to seek professional support and treatment from a qualified healthcare provider.


Overall, there are many factors that can affect your experience when taking shrooms, including dosage level, individual body chemistry, and mental health status. By being aware of these risks and taking steps to minimize them, you can have a safe and more positive experience using this drug. Some of the best strategies for minimizing the risks of shroom use include avoiding high doses, paying attention to your mental health, and having a supportive friend or family member present during your trip.


Where can you buy high-quality shrooms online?

There are a number of online retailers that sell high-quality shrooms, including many dedicated online vendors and marketplaces like The Green Ace. This vendor stands out because of its extensive selection of products, high-quality testing standards, and great customer service. Some other popular online retailers include Herbactive and High on Shrooms.


When looking for a reputable source of shrooms online, it is important to carefully research the vendor and read reviews from other users to ensure that you are getting a high-quality product. Additionally, it is best to purchase your shrooms from a reputable site that has clearly defined testing and quality assurance standards. This will help you avoid any issues with product reliability or quality, which can be important when it comes to your safety and enjoyment when using a weed product such as shrooms.


How can you tell if someone is high on shrooms?

There are a number of signs and symptoms that may indicate that someone is high on shrooms, including changes in their behavior, mood, and perception. For example, someone who is high on shrooms may seem confused or disoriented, seem agitated or overly excited, and have dilated pupils and a rapid heart rate.


Additionally, they may experience visual or auditory hallucinations, and they may have trouble focusing on tasks or communicating clearly. If you are concerned that someone is high on shrooms, it is best to speak with them directly and calmly to offer reassurance as needed. You can also help them stay hydrated by providing plenty of water to drink, and you should avoid leaving them alone until their high has passed. Additionally, it is best to seek help from a healthcare professional if you are concerned about the safety or well-being of someone who is high on shrooms. They can provide supportive care and treatment as needed to help them safely recover from their trip


Overall, there are many potential risks associated with using shrooms, including changes in cognition and behavior, potential long-term side effects, and addiction. By being aware of these risks and taking steps to reduce them, you can have a more enjoyable and safe experience using this drug. Some of the best strategies for minimizing the risks of shroom use include avoiding high doses, paying attention to your mental health status, and having a supportive friend or family member present during your trip. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy all of the positive benefits that shrooms have to offer while minimizing the potential risks associated with their use.



Whether you are looking for a recreational high or trying to manage a mental health condition, shrooms can be an effective and enjoyable drug. However, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with their use and take steps to minimize these risks by avoiding high doses, paying attention to your mental health, and having a supportive friend or family member present during your trip. With these tips in mind, you can safely and enjoyably use shrooms to experience all of the benefits that this drug has to offer.