Have you ever wondered that when you smoke weed, sometimes you get energetic, but other times you get drowsy; however, baked all the time?

If you said no to the last part, it’s time to switch your prescription or cannabis provider (you won’t have that problem with The Green Ace). But coming back to the main question, what is the cause of this variation in the effects? The answer is Strains

The type of cannabis strain you use determines how you will feel after inhaling the sweet kush. 

There are two types of weed strains: Indica and Sativa. 

“New Contender Appears”

Hybrid Strain. We will talk about this one as well. 

Quick Overview 

Before we dive deep into the ocean of smoke, here’s a quick overview of these strains. This is why you are here, isn’t it? So, let’s get to it. 

Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid


This strain of cannabis acts like a sedative. The majority of funny videos where people are borderline passed out are on indica. It relaxes the body and aids in sleep. Ideal to use before bed. 


Sativa is basically the creatine of the cannabis world, i.e., it makes you energetic and enhances creativity. Ideal for daytime use. 


This is a monstrosity. Jokes aside, this type of cannabis is achieved after crossbreeding Indica and Sativa. Effects will be based on the dominant strain in the hybrid.

Now that we are clear on the basics let’s dive deep. 

What is Indica?

As mentioned previously, it acts like a sedative, making it ideal for people dealing with anxiety. 

Origin: It is believed to have originated in colder regions with limited growing seasons. Indica may have appeared in the northern region of Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Turkey. 

Appearance: These cannabis plants are dark green in colour and have short and broad leaves. 

Effects: Calming and Soothing. Helps with pain and appetite. 

CBD to THC Ratio: While CBD is found in high levels in Indica, THC is equally as high. 

Usage Time: It is best to use indica at night time. 

Medical Benefits of Indica

Due to its distinct chemical composition and higher CBD content, it has calming effects on the body. Here are the notable medical benefits:

Pain Relief: Indica is analgesic in nature. Therefore, people suffering from chronic pain from conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and migraines are often prescribed indica-dominant cannabis. It helps with pain by interacting with cannabinoid receptors in the ECS, particularly CB1 and CB2 receptors.

Muscle Relaxant: Along with pain relief, Indica also helps with muscle relaxation as it activates CB1 receptors in the brain and spinal cord, suppressing muscle spasms and tension by inhibiting the release of excitatory neurotransmitters. So, the next time you pull a muscle, reach out for indica. 

Sleep Aid: Can’t sleep? Too much on your mind? Try Indica, and you’ll enjoy a deep sleep. It boosts the activity of GABA receptors in the brain, which induces relaxation and sedation. No wonder it is prescribed to people suffering from insomnia. 

Stress and Anxiety Relief: Indica also modulates the neurotransmitter systems, such as serotonin and adrenergic, which are involved in stress response and cause an anxiolytic effect. In simple terms, it makes bad thoughts go away. 

Appetite Stimulation: Given the strong gut-brain connection, it is no surprise that calming the mind also eases the stomach. Using indica increases appetite and reduces nausea. 

How To Make The Most of Indica Effect?

Now, let’s just say that you’ve already consumed or smoked indica, and you are wondering how to make the most of it. Well, here’s how you can experience the best high with this strain apart from stuffing your mouth with snacks. 

Take a Relaxing Bath 

Imagine this: you are high off of indica, it is raining or snowing outside, and you are enjoying a warm bath (with a snack, of course, because you’ve got munchies too). 

While showers are amazing, too, there’s something unique and soothing about a warm bath that just enhances the relaxing effects of this strain. 

NOTE: Just don’t fall asleep during your bath session. 

Get Hit With the Nostalgia Train

When you are high on indica, recalling memory becomes easy for some reason (could’ve used it during the math exam, but oh well). This means it is time to pull out albums with old photographs. The feelings and emotions you’ll experience will be unlike anything you’ve felt before, and they will hit like a train. If possible, do this with the people in the picture. 

Play Your Jams

Indie, metal, pop, reggae, or whatever you like, just put on your earphones and pump up the music because indica is the best DJ you will ever have. You will literally lose yourself in the music, and if you slip into some type of trance, it won’t be a surprise. 

It’s Bed Time

Yes, Yes, you might be thinking, “Why would I want to sleep after getting high?” Understandable; however, try this once. Get high and go to bed right away. The sleep you will have will not only heal your body but your mind and soul as well. You will wake up feeling like a new person.


“Boo! Boring!”

Not really, not if you do it right. Since indica eases your body, meditating becomes much more intense and pleasurable. You will NOT regret it. Just breathe in and breathe out slowly, feeling every breath entering and leaving the vessel that is your body. 

What is Sativa?

It’s the athletic weed. Go smoke some. Great for partying. 

Origin: Since sativa is primarily found in hot and dry climates, it is hard to pinpoint its origin, as it is found across Africa, Central America, and even Southeast Asia. 

Appearance: Long and slender leaves with a light green colour. Sativa is the poster child of cannabis culture. The cannabis sativa plant can grow up to 6 feet in height. 

Effects: Increased energy, focus, and creativity. Helps with depression. 

CBD to THC Ratio: CBD content is usually on the lower side in sativa with a higher concentration of THC. 

Usage Time: It is best to use this strain during the daytime.

Medical Benefits of Sativa

This strain, with its lower concentration of CBD, provides medical benefits like uplifting mood and helping with depression. Here are the important medical benefits:

Elevated Mood and Energy: If you are feeling sad but don’t want to sleep, sativa is your friend. Cannabinoids in sativa bind to CB1 receptors in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, releasing neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, boosting mood and energy. 

Enhanced Creativity and Focus: In addition to boosting energy, it also enhances creativity and focus by releasing neurotransmitters and modulating neuronal activity. Moreover, certain terpenes, such as limonene and pinene, may also increase cognitive enhancement. 

Appetite Suppression: This shouldn’t be a surprise, but this strain suppresses appetite, making it ideal for people who are trying to lose weight. It is believed to exert this effect by releasing neuropeptides that regulate hunger and satiety. 

Migraine and Headache Relief: Although not seen in everyone, sativa can help with migraines and tension headaches due to its vasodilatory properties. It works by relaxing blood vessels and reducing vascular constriction. 

Managing Mood Disorders: As mentioned previously, sativa uplifts the mood. Therefore, it is often prescribed to people suffering from depression and stress, as it increases the availability of neurotransmitters, resulting in emotional balance. 

How To Make The Most of Sativa Effect?

Okay, you are feeling the effects of the athletic weed; however, you want to make the most of this experience. Here’s how you can enjoy sativa to the max. 

Take a Walk in the Park 

If you are a nature lover, chances are you’ve already tried it, but if you haven’t, this is your chance. Enjoying nature while being on sativa is exceptionally amazing. You’d be talking trees, imagining what dogs think, and how earth is the perfect place to sustain life.

Let Your Creative Juices Flow 

Sativa is loved by artists because it enhances creativity. Whether you are painting, creating music, or writing, sativa will help you with every kind of creative outlet. That said, don’t go overboard with it because, in excess doses, it can make you nauseous.


Before you start saying some not-so-nice words, hear us out. Yes, working out feels like a chore, but it becomes surprisingly enjoyable on sativa. You become more aware of your movement, soreness, and tightness. Even more surprisingly, you also start enjoying running and getting your body tired. 

Party Hard

If you think alcohol is the only substance that can make you dance in an awkward place, you have not made friends with sativa yet. Unlike indica, this strain will keep your energy levels in check and have you vibing, even to the tunes of an ice cream truck. 

What’s For Dinner?

Don’t you dare say “take out” because when you are on sativa, you can cook! Start with basic foods like boiled potatoes and chicken. Doing so will make you fall in love with cooking, and you’ll have something healthy as well. 

What is Hybrid Strain?

Now, this is a unique and different type of cannabis. As the name suggests, the hybrid strain is a cross between indica and sativa. Doing so results in a higher concentration of THC.

Indica-dominant hybrid

You will not believe this, but this strain has a higher percentage of indica genetics. Who would’ve thought right? Given the higher concentration of indica, this hybrid exhibits sedative effects.

Sativa-dominant hybrid

You already know where this is going. This strain has higher sativa genetics, resulting in energy-enhancing and creative effects. 

Balanced hybrid

This strain has equal amounts of indica and sativa genetics, leading to a balanced effect. Think of it like relaxed partying. Unsurprisingly, beginner cannabis smokers gravitate towards this hybrid strain. 

How to Choose Your Ideal Strain

Firstly, don’t listen to your “stoner” friend. They have been using weed for so long that even sativa makes them sleepy. Here’s how you can choose the strain for yourself:

Understanding THC and CBD

These are cannabinoids that are present in cannabis. THC is what gives you the “high,” while CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that aids in pain relief. 

THC to CBD Ratio

While shopping for cannabis, you will see THC to CBD ratio on the labels. This will help you determine if you are aiming for a strong or calm high. Although there is no set rule, strains with higher CBD restrict an intense “high.” Also, the greater the THC percentage, the greater the high. 

Terpene Profile

Bare with us. We are not just throwing words around. These organic compounds determine the aroma, flavor, and therapeutic benefits as they interact with THC and CBD. 

Ready to take your cannabis journey one step higher? Buy cannabis online today.