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42 Things to Do When High On Cannabis

So, you have just lit up, the buzz is kicking in, and you’re feeling incredibly fantastic! 

However, no matter if you are flying solo or chilling with friends, there’s always a moment when you start wondering, “What should we do next?”

Well, we all have been there at some point, right, my friends? 

But luckily, being high comes with endless possibilities; even the simplest things can turn into epic adventures! 

The sunset looks more magical, and even walking through the streets feels so relaxing! It’s like the whole world gets a little more enjoyable when you’re on cloud nine. 

So, if you’ve had just a moderate amount of weed and are looking for entertaining ways to ride those euphoric vibes, we have created an extraordinary list of 42 things to do while high! 

Ready to explore? Let’s check them out! 

1. Go Clubbing



Nothing beats dancing like crazy when you are stoned! And if you are feeling social, hit the hottest club in town. The dancing, music, and the buzz of a club can make for an epic night. But make sure you grab some friends so that they can keep an eye on you if you go too hard.  

2. Try Origami



Get crafty while learning Origami, the Japanese art of folding paper. Grab some paper, put on some psychedelic music, start folding, and try to make shapes like a crane or a flower. This activity is incredibly relaxing and great for keeping your hands busy while your mind drifts.  

3. Get a Tattoo



If you are feeling adventurous, get a tattoo! But make sure it’s not just an impulsive decision; it should be something you have long thought of! And, of course, it should have a meaning! You definitely don’t want to wake up the next day with a big regret, right, pals? 

4. Try Ice Hockey



For the ultimate thrill, try playing ice hockey. The cold air, the sound of the skates, and the fun of it all make for a memorable experience. Not only this, but the adrenaline rush paired with your high will make it feel like you’re in an action movie. 

5. Explore a New Restaurant



Got cravings? Why not hunt for a new food joint and try something out of the box? According to Men’s Health, you might find certain foods more pleasing when high on cannabis. So, why not utilize this chance to savour new dishes you’ve been eyeing for long? 

6. Try Hula Hooping



You might not have tried this since you were a kid, but hula hooping is surprisingly fun. It’s a light-hearted, playful activity that keeps your body moving and engages your mind. Not only this, but the rhythm and flow of the hoop can feel almost hypnotic when you’re buzzed. So, grab a hula hoop and give it a spin. 

7. Dance Around



Alone and dancing like nobody’s watching? That’s the vibe! Sometimes when you are baked, the best thing to do is just let loose, turn up your favourite track, and dance around your room or in your living room. It’s all about having fun without fearing being judged. 

8. Watch the Stars



You would definitely agree that stargazing is one of the most soothing stuff to do while high. Find a nice, clean spot and just stare at the starry sky. Let the twinkling stars take you on a relaxing journey. It may be even better to try spotting constellations! 

9. Set Up a Hammock and Chill



If you have a hammock, set it up and relax. Find a nice shady spot in your backyard, or you can even set it up indoors in your living area. Grab a blanket, put on your headphones, and get lost in daydreams. 

10. Go Camping (Even in Your Backyard!)



If you love camping, why wait? Call your friends, take all the camping essentials, and you’re all set! For an easy escape, you can even set up your tent in your backyard. Fire up the grill for a barbeque, share ghost stories, and enjoy a bonfire while soaking up the night air!  

11. Have a Solo Bowling Date



It might sound weird, but going solo for bowling is one of the funniest things to do when high. Sometimes, it feels so good to enjoy your own company! So order some nachos, and let yourself loose without feeling pressured to impress someone with your score.

12. Watch Your Favourite Cartoon Show



Feeling nostalgic but can’t figure out what to do when high? We suggest reliving your childhood by watching your favourite cartoon series. The colourful animation and silly humour are perfect for having a good laugh, transporting you back to carefree days.

13. Make Yourself a Mocktail



If you are in the mood for a drink but want to keep it alcohol-free (obviously), make yourself a mocktail. Mix up your favourite flavour of juice, some fruits, and ofcourse soda, and voila—your tasty, refreshing mocktail is ready to sip!  

14. Go for a Movie



This one’s a classic! Going for a movie night is one of those things to do while stoned, which is just pure bliss. Pick a movie that best suits your interest, book tickets, hit up the theatre, and enjoy the whole cinematic experience! 

15. Watch Sunrise/Sunset



This one activity might sound simple, but it is beautifully serene. Whether you are a morning person or a night owl, watching the sun rise or set while you’re high can feel almost magical, particularly if you’re in a scenic spot. 

16. Explore a Scenic Trail



Nature becomes mesmerizingly beautiful when you are baked, so why not explore it? If you have access to scenic trails, take a hike. The fresh air and stunning views can feel like you’re on another planet. 

17. Play Some Board Games



Board games, like Monopoly, Sequence, or Catan, can become highly entertaining when you are buzzed with cannabis. Gather your pals, stock on some snacks, enjoy the heartful banter, and let the good vibes flow.

18. Cook/Bake Something Fun



You’re missing out if you haven’t cooked or baked while high! It’s such an experience everyone should try at least once. The whole process can be hilarious and creative. So, no matter if you end up with a delicious treat or a disaster, you’ll have a blast, trust me!

19. Indulge in a Self Pampering Session



Who doesn’t love a good pampering session? Whether it’s your skincare routine, a soothing pedicure, or even a full-body spa, give yourself that well-deserved attention. And trust me, doing it while high makes it even more of a treat!

20. Call your Ex (If You Dare)



Are you thinking of doing something daring? How about calling your ex? Okay, this might sound risky, but you never know what the end result could be. No matter if you feel emotional or are curious to know how they are doing, just go ahead and hit the call button. 

21. Start a Journal



Starting to write a journal could be the best thing you can do! It can be a creative outlet for your thoughts and super therapeutic simultaneously. You could share anything, whether your beliefs, experiences, learnings or even what’s on your bucket list for 2025! 

22. Engage in Entertaining Indoor Games



Indoor games become ten times more entertaining, specifically if you are stoned and accompanied by your gang. For indoor purposes, you have abundant choices like Card games, Darts, Carrom, Jenga, UNO, Pictionary, etc. Pick any that will have you and your friends cracking up in no time! 

23. Listen to a Soothing Track



Music hits differently when you are zoned out, isn’t it? So, put on your headphones, play your favourite track, and let the music take over. It’s almost like you can feel every beat, and even the most familiar songs will have a fresh vibe.

24. Take a Lukewarm Shower



This might sound boring, but a shower with lukewarm water can work wonders. Not too warm, not too cold; it will feel like a comforting hug, making you more refreshing and relaxing.  

25. Do Yoga or Meditate



Yoga or meditation is a great option if you need to centre yourself. Just a few poses or deep breaths can get you into a super-mindful zone, where your body will feel extra in tune and de-stressed.

26. Head Out for a Walk



Slip into your walking shoes and hit your neighbourhood. After being buzzed, taking a lazy stroll across the street, block, or park can heighten your experience. The bliss of fresh air, the lights, the colours- everything will work in favour of lifting your mood.

27. Organize Your Closet



It’s time to get productive! Whether you’re a hustling working professional or an aspiring student, your closet would be nothing less than a mess, guaranteed! So, after getting into the euphoric zone, why not channel the energy into cleaning your closet? You will be surprised to know how super fun it can be! 

28. Make Reels on Facebook



It’s time to show some creativity! Grab your phone, and let’s get on Facebook to make reels! Whether it’s a dance move, a cooking hack, or a product review, you can shoot whatever content you like. Just make sure it’s fun and engaging. 

29. Go to an Arcade with Friends



Wanna indulge in some nostalgic retro fun? How about gathering your friends and heading to an arcade? It’s gonna be a blast, totally! Isn’t there something about the buzzing sounds and flashing lights that makes everything more exciting when you’re high? So, get ready for some serious laughs and enjoyment! 

30. Get a Massage



What is the best way to truly relax after being surrounded by trippy vibes? It’s indulging in the calming essence of a massage. Whether you book a pro massage or just grab a handheld massager at home, it’s going to feel like pure bliss. Every little knot and bit of stress will melt away, and before you know it, you’ll be in full-on chill mode.

31. Cycle Through Peaceful Trails



If you love the great outdoors, hop on your bike and cycle through some peaceful trails. The combination of cannabis and nature can make even the simplest ride feel magical! Whether through a forest, beach, or park, cycling while high is a great way to unwind and clear your mind.

32. Hit the Gym



Getting a workout in while high might seem odd, but it can actually be a blast. You’ll feel more in tune with your body, and each rep will feel strangely satisfying. Just be careful not to push yourself too hard!

33. Browse Google Randomly



Sometimes, getting trippy makes you curious about the most random things. So, why not search on Google for any of the random stuff that pops into your head? You never know; you might learn something exciting along the way!

34. Try Candle Making



After feeling lit, are you looking for a creative, hands-on activity? If yes, try candle making. You can experiment with different scents, colours, and shapes, making each candle uniquely yours. Even if the result isn’t perfect, the fun is in the making!

35. Plan Your Next Trip



Got the travel bug? Being high on cannabis can spark some major wanderlust, making it the perfect time to plan your next adventure. So, why wait? Choose the destination that’s been calling your name, book your flights and accommodations, and start counting down the days! 

36. Swipe on Tinder



Did you know as per Statista, Tinder leads the online dating scene in Canada with 51% of users favouring the platform? So, if you feel like making some new connections while riding the euphoric waves, Tinder is calling! 

There’s no harm in swiping some rights, right mates? Also, when you are buzzed, it will be more fun. Browse through profiles, read some hilarious bios, and just have a laugh while you swipe away.

37. Go Window Shopping



Window shopping while high is a total vibe! Head to the mall or your favourite stores, and just browse without the pressure to buy anything. It is one of the best things to do to pass the time while having full-on entertainment. And, you never know, you might find something really useful! 

38. Binge Netflix



What’s better than getting comfy and diving into a Netflix binge while high? Whether it’s a gripping new series, a hilarious sitcom, or a sci-fi movie, everything feels extra immersive when you’re relaxed. 

39. Try Painting



Try your hand at painting! You don’t need to be an artist to enjoy it; all you need is some paint, paper, and paint whatever comes to your mind. No rules, no judgments, and no pressure; just have fun with the colours! 

40. Take a Nap



When you are unable to figure out “what to do when high,” we suggest just taking a nap! Find a comfy spot, close your eyes, and let yourself drift off into a peaceful snooze. Whether it’s a quick one or a long, deep sleep, naps always hit differently when you’re in that super relaxed state.

41. Dial Up Your Long-Distance Friends



Got some long-distance pals you’ve been trying to reach out to? Now’s the perfect time! Grab your cell phone and dial them up because there’s something about being high that makes reconnecting feel extra special, even from miles away! 

42. Plant Something



Get your hands a little dirty and plant something. Whether it’s a little herb garden or some flowers, the process of nurturing a plant is very soothing. Moreover, watching something grow over time will give you something to look forward to. 

Wrapping It Up: Do Whatever You Want!

Alright, friends, we’ve reached the end of our list of things to do when you are stoned! The beauty of being high is that it opens up a world of possibilities. So, go ahead and do whatever your heart says! 

The only key is following your vibe and letting good times roll! From hitting on clubs to bingeing on Netflix to strolling around the streets, do what brings the biggest smiles to your face.

Here’s to good friends, great laughs, and unforgettable experiences—happy exploring!

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